
What You Believe

Time Spent Survey

Top Three Survey







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Over one million self help books are read annually by women.

Yet, divorce rates are soaring, moral values are compromised, and we long for solutions... still.

What are the solutions?

To truly find tangible solutions, we must honestly evaluate the foundation of the problems. 

Hence, this website.

These surveys were created to find out the truth about what women are thinking, in order to streamline women's ministries accordingly.  Designed by women, to understand women, to ultimately benefit women.  Your complete honesty is requested.

It is our desire that, as you challenge your thinking in your answers, you are motivated to understand the role that your beliefs play in your every day life and your life in the fast lane. 

Please share this website link to help us accomplish our goal in reaching 1000 women by March 31, 2008.

About the surveys:

bullet These personal surveys are completely anonymous
bullet Questions are designed for women ages 14 and older
bullet The surveys contain easy choice questions or thought provoking open ended questions
bullet The What You Believe Survey should take up to 15 minutes
bullet The What You Believe Survey doctrinal statements were taken from various church and ministry websites and may or may not reflect the beliefs of the websites' authors
bullet The Time Spent Survey should take up to 15 minutes
bullet The Top Three Survey may take up to 30 minutes
bullet Please finish all the survey prior to submitting
bullet Find a few minutes of peace and quiet to take the surveys

If you find questions you think should be on the survey, please email us logoThanks so much for your thoughtful responses and input!


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 All rights reserved