Top Three Survey                                                                                         Home


Age       What country do you live in? 

Relationships       How long?  

Are you a Christian?     How long?    Church Affiliation  

Briefly give your "Top Three" answers to the following questions:

What are your top 3 personal strengths?

What are your top 3 personal weaknesses?


What are your top 3 most difficult life challenges to this point in your life?


What are your top 3 most heartwarming memories in your life?

What are your top 3 life goals you have met in your life?

What are the top 3 things for which you are truly passionate?

Who are the top 3 people you have known to have significantly influenced your life?

In your opinion (or your experience), what top 3 subjects (or life issues) are not adequately addressed by the church?

In your opinion (or experience), of all the books written, what top 3 subjects (or life issues) are not adequately addressed in print?

If you could stand before God and ask Him any 3 questions, what would they be?

What top 3 questions or doubts have kept you and keep you from pursuing a deeper walk with the Lord? 

Do you have a Biblical "life verse” and if so, what is it?

What topics are you interested in studying, hearing or reading?  Check all that apply:

Being Single                   Friendship                     Conflict Resolution                Decision Making & God’s Will

Being Married                Contentedness                Confident Trust                     Moving Forward In Life

Divorce                         Faithfulness                   Bible Study & Prayer              Dealing with Loss

Single Motherhood         Deeper Growth                Being Still Before God             Life Purpose

Motherhood                   Life Goals                       Complete In Christ                 Encouragement

Working Woman            Time Management            Caregiving                           Standing Firm

Faith & Trust                 Joy & Laughter                Accountable Friendships         A Witness In the Workplace

Other topics you are interested in studying, hearing or reading that are not listed above:

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful responses and input!

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