What You Believe Survey                                                                        Home


Age       What country do you live in? 

Relationships       How long?  

Are you a Christian?      How long?    Church Affiliation  


How well are you doing in the following areas, on a scale of 1 (Non-existent) to 4 (Going great)?                                                          

Maintaining your physical health  

Maintaining your emotional health    

Maintaining your spiritual health      

            Overall contentment in life   

            Characterized by honesty and integrity     

            Peace in your heart    

Management of your personal time    

Self-discipline in your life        

Sexual purity               

Life outside of work     

Life outside of kids      

Relationship with Jesus Christ   

Bible Study                      How much time do you spend in Bible Study? 

Prayer time                     How time do you spend in prayer? 


Live your faith in every day life    

Tolerant of other's religious beliefs or world views   

Knowledge of the Bible  

Trust in God’s sovereignty 

Willingness to do what God wants you to do regardless of the comfort level  

Willingness to sacrifice your own desires for your family    

Willingness to sacrifice your own desires for others, regardless of your opinion       

            Weekly church attendance    

            Tithing 10% of your gross earnings to your church   


How deeply do you believe the following statements, on a scale of 1 (Absolutely do not believe) to 4 (Absolutely no doubt)?

Jesus Christ is the only son of God.   

Jesus Christ rose from the dead.      

Jesus Christ died for my sins that I might have a relationship with Him. 

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, fully God and fully human. 

If you have made a genuine commitment of faith in Jesus, you cannot lose your salvation.  

The Lord desires to be involved in my every day life. 

The Holy Spirit living inside of me, enables me to live every day in God's will.   

The Lord Jesus is all seeing and all knowing. 

There is only one true God. 

God has predetermined who will go to heaven.   

Only believers in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven. 

Salvation comes not by works but by faith in Jesus Christ. 

The Bible is the true inspired word of God, without errors. 

The Bible is relevant to today.   

The Lord is always accessible through prayer. 

The Lord desires to meet my every need. 

The Lord intends for us to experience abundant life in all areas here on earth, including financial. 

The Lord is in control of all things in life at all times. 

Spiritual Warfare:  Satan battles daily to discourage your commitment to the Lord. 

Evil exists in this world and Satan is its king. 

Hell is a real place where unbelievers spend eternity. 

Sex is only for marriage. 

Same sex sexual relationships are a sin.  

Drinking any form of alcohol is a sin.   

Smoking is a sin.   

Obesity is a sin.   

Speeding is a sin.   

Cheating on your taxes is a sin.   

Jesus Christ is returning to take believers into eternity. 

There will be a judgment for everyone, believers and nonbelievers alike. 


In the last two years, have you participated in any of the following groups? Check all that applies.

Divorce Care  Grief Care  AA  Rehab Counseling

Taught Sunday School    Church Leadership    Led Bible Study    Volunteered    Missions Mentoring

Participated Bible Study    Sunday School    Outreach    Church Activities

What topics are you interested in studying, hearing or reading?  Check all that apply:

Being Single                   Friendship                    Conflict Resolution               Decision Making & God’s Will

Being Married                Contentedness               Confident Trust                    Moving Forward In Life

Divorce                         Faithfulness                   Bible Study & Prayer             Dealing with Loss

Single Motherhood         Deeper Growth               Being Still Before God            Life Purpose

Motherhood                   Life Goals                      Complete In Christ                Encouragement

Working Woman            Time Management           Caregiving                          Standing Firm

Faith & Trust                 Joy & Laughter                Accountable Friendships       A Witness In the Workplace

Other topics you are interested in studying, hearing or reading that are not listed above:

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful responses and input!

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