
What You Believe

Time Spent Survey

Top Three Survey









These surveys exist to gather information regarding the real issues women face, which define the themes of our conferences, our speaking, and our reading.  As women, our time is precious; therefore we must choose wisely how we spend our time. 

During the Summer of 2006, the Lord placed a burden and responsibility on the heart and shoulders of Susan Gunn.  Desiring not to be just another author with quick solutions, she set out to determine her defining difference.  Already a successful business woman, speaker and author, she has expanded her speaking and writing to include women's groups.  Why be just another author, with another set of "how-tos"?  Why not address what women really want to hear?

Nothing is ever accomplished by one person alone, however.  Believing in this project, there have been many who have contributed time, prayer and thought to this process, months in the making.  It would be impossible to list everyone, so a big THANKS to all.

Most of all, thank you for sharing your heart with us in these surveys. 

Future Surveys:
Interested in the results of a potential survey?  We are too!   Send us your idea and we will develop, post and send you the results.  Email SurveyWomen.org.

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